Perfect Drink® recipe


Created by J. ”Popo” Galsini, in about 1967. Take a spin into outer space with this combination of gin, passion fruit, orgeat, falernum, and lemon. It’s out of this world!

BG Reynolds Syrups was founded by bartender Blair Reynolds to bring the highest quality syrups and mixers to your home cocktails. Every syrup is all natural, and made to mix with the highest quality spirits. For more information and to order, visit


US | Metric
Metric | US
  • Lemon Juice - 1 Tbsp
  • BGR Falernum - 1½ tsp
  • BGR Original Orgeat - 1½ tsp
  • BGR Passion Fruit Syrup - 1 Tbsp
  • Gin - 1½ fl oz
  • Lemon Peel - 1 twist


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